Sunday, July 22, 2007

July 23, 2007: Blogger Incompetence

Due to complications beyond my meager mental resources, Halpinslondonblog has become stalled. There will be no photographs for the foreseeable future. So, I'll just have to use my astonishing descriptive skills to give you the idea of our experiences. Went to Berlin. Then Paul came. Went to Holland. Christy came. Saw Caberet, thanks to Yvette Franks. Then Lucy came. Went to a Pub theatre. Good show. Christy and I went to Camden Markets yesterday, and with Lucy to Drowsy Chaperone last night. Paul and Lucy off to Ireland today and Christy and I off to National Gallery today. Stanley is not committing to a plan just yet. Got to get ready to start my workshop tomorrow. Christy leaves tomorrow.
I know it takes a thousand words at least to take the place of each picture, but that's too hard for a Palumbo.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

More Hampton Court

Hampton Court Palace with the Union Flag flying
This is the Tudor part of the palace. Henry the VIII and his famous, generally luckless and sometimes eventually headless wives lived here. Among, of course, generations of other royals.

Can you spot the American tourists? Hint...You can tell by the shoes!!!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

We Take the Train to Hampton Court

Suzette, Whitney and Cheryl on the train to Hampton Court Palace.

A view of the William and Mary Garden and section of the palace that William added. Also a nice shot of our gracious tour guide.